Kevin Southgate (Ward 72)
Ward 72 councillor Kevin Southgate said he had spent the first week of the lockdown responding to enquiries from residents about refuse removals, the regulations and which businesses can continue to operate, among others.
The community had been rallying together to “ensure that no one is left uncared for”, Mr Southgate said. “We had groups handing out food parcels while others prepared and served meals to the children and elderly in the ‘Die Gaatjie’ informal settlement. On Thursday April 9 I delivered Easter eggs to the Living Hope non-profit organisation who were making up Easter packs for the children.
“The mayor has allocated food parcels to each ward and that together with other donations will be shared among those in need. I also want to encourage people in need to contact the Department of Social Development should they need a food parcel. Contact 0860 142 142 or send a Please Call Me to 079 769 1207.”
Patricia van der Ross (Ward 65)
Ward 65 councillor Patricia van der Ross said she drives through her ward to ensure that the residents adhere to the lockdown rules, “making sure that service delivery happens in the ward, following up on C3 requests and handing out a relief package to families who are indigent”.
She urged the community to stay indoors to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Ms Van der Ross said people could contact her if they needed assistance regarding the C3 requests. “If they are not able to log in themselves they should call me or WhatsApp 081 588 9520.”
Shanen Rossouw (Ward 110)
Ward 110 councillor Shanen Rossouw appealed to the community to follow the lock-
down regulations to stop the
coronavirus from spreading. “Stay indoors, wash your hands regularly with soap, keep your physical distance, cough and sneeze into your elbow and stay safe.”
Ms Rossouw said the challenges they faced in the ward included illegal dumping, loud music, people who did not respect the lockdown regulations. Call 021 480 7700 to report the above mentioned offences.
On the bright side Ms Rossouw said Mayor Dan Plato had donated dry ingredients which were delivered to Douglas Murray Old Age Home, in Cafda. “One hundred food parcels were delivered to seniors in Ward 110. I pray for more donations so that I can accommodate more needy people with parcels and we also feed 150 children in Cafda daily,” she said.
To assist, call Ms Rossouw on 078 129 1270.
Marita Petersen (Ward 68)
Ward 68 councillor Marita Petersen said she was involved in a 21-day relief programme with non-profit organisation Dews of Quietness through which they fed more than 100 children in Sharedon as well as
“Also in response to the need of the community, we have a porridge drive in the flats and I want to say that I’m grateful to those who made their time available to do this.”
However, she added: “My greatest concern is the lack of co-ordination. This has led to the same people receiving food parcels and being fed by different entities and others are left out. Organisations are doing great to deliver in response to the feeding schemes and I applaud them. I want to appeal to organisations to consult each other and support each other with resources so that we can reach as many as humanly possible.”
If you want to help, contact Ms Petersen on 071 936 1045.
William Akim (Ward 66)
Ward 66 councillor William Akim said during the lockdown service delivery challenges had been attended to and he had been focusing on informing residents about the Covid-19 pandemic and the rules of the lockdown that’s in place until month-end.
“Thanks to all organisations in our Ward 66 for doing excellent work in delivering food items to residents. Together we can beat Covid-19,” he said.
“We also handed out face masks to spaza shop owners who are vulnerable to viruses as they daily interact with the community.”
For more information contact Mr Akim on 082 216 1833.