One of the police holding cells where the group protesters were allegedly kept without food or water and claimed to have been assaulted. Picture: Supplied
Cape Town - A woman who was allegedly dragged into a police van and suffered a stroke in a cell, is among 11 protesters arrested in Mamre in 2020 who have joined hands in their civil claim against the police.
The traumatic ordeal that Gay Alexander and her husband Noel Alexander suffered was filmed by concerned neighbours on July 27, 2020.
The video, which will be used as evidence in their claim against Atlantis Police Station, was shared with Cape Argus this week.
The matter was reported to police, the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).
For nearly five years, the group of working class residents from Mamre attended court proceedings at the Atlantis Magistrates’ Court after they were arrested and charged with public violence following protests over land and housing, and the matter struck off the roll last week.
According to court papers shared with Cape Argus, the matter was removed from the court roll following a pending decision from the National Prosecuting Authority on January 22, 2025.
Police spokesperson, Captain FC Van Wyk confirmed that a claim had been made against the police following the incident.
“The mentioned case number is a public violence case registered on July 27 2020 at Atlantis SAPS for investigation.
“Several persons were arrested and detained, and appeared in the Atlantis Magistrates court.
“This office can confirm that a claim was instituted against Atlantis SAPS by one of the arrested persons.
“After a court appearance during last week the docket is still with the Regional court Atlantis, therefore, the next court date cannot be confirmed.”
Noel Alexander said his wife was left temporarily in a wheelchair following the ordeal and had to undergo rehabilitation in hospital for several weeks.
“This case impacted me emotionally, we had to walk for four and half years to court knowing that you are only attending just for a new court date due to all the postponements,” he said.
“My leave had become exhausted. I even had to take of my sick days to attend the court case.”
He said the protest took place opposite his house, and he and his wife decided they would not be part of it.
“Gay was busy cleaning and she went outside and stood on our front lawn. I just saw police running inside and they grabbed Gay on the lawn, I heard Gay screaming that the police were taking her.
“Before I could get to the door, someone (police) had already grabbed me. I asked why they are taking my wife because she is on the property. They then got me to the ground and began dragging me. I begged to leave me and my wife.
“I am disappointed in the police. Gay suffered a stroke while being in the cells. She was transferred to the public hospital and then to Mediclinic.”
“My wife was so weak she could not wash or even dress herself. She spent about three weeks in therapy where she could not walk properly. She recovered well to get her back on her feet.”
Tom Paulse, who was also arrested at the time claimed they were shot by police.
“During COVID-19 gatherings were illegal. During that protest, people began to disperse and people ran into one another’s backyards and they just began to shoot and grab anyone they saw,” he added.
“That is how they shot me (rubber bullets) and tortured myself and Noel.
Gabriel Martin ( also an alleged protester) said they were left without water, food or access to their chronic medication for hours and that they had approached the HRC.
“The HRC played a huge role in release the next day from the cells,” he said. “We were being abused in a 3x3 cell while another man was being beaten and was vomiting.”
Whistle blower, Zona Morton, who has been assisting the families in their plight said police had abused their powers and that a sjambok had been removed from the cells where the 11 persons were being kept.
“July 27 2020 will be etched in my memory for years to come,” she said. “I experienced old apartheid style policing by a Commander that had no idea of dealing with communities. He shot at protesters with his service weapon and got transferred and promoted to full Colonel for his criminal actions.
“Four years later the court throws the case out after 11 people's lives were traumatically disrupted and IPID has still not arrested any of the rogue police team that violently assaulted minors in the holding cells”.
Cape Argus reached out to Phaladi Shuping of IPID who said they could not comment on the matter.
The SAHRC did not respond to queries.