Musician Ntokozo Zakwe and Dunken. Zakwe says Americans want him to improve hip-hop in South Africa. | KHAYA NGWENYA/ Independent Newspapers
Durban hip-hop musician Ntokozo Zakwe returned home last week after a three-week tour of the US.
Zakwe left South Africa on April 12 alongside other musicians from Africa.
The trip was organised by the US Consulate in Durban. He was nominated to represent the country to improve hip hop in the country.
He met artists and role players from Mexico, Argentina, France and Switzerland.
The seasoned rapper said hip-hop was well-established and very popular in America. He said they toured places where hip-hop originated from. The tour included a trip to Washington to understand how the US government relates to hip-hop influences. Zakwe believes he is the first ambassador for South African hip-hop.
“They want hip-hop to improve everywhere, not only in America, but worldwide. They don’t see it in South Africa and other countries. From the knowledge I gained they want me to come back home and improve hip-hop in South Africa,” he said.
Zakwe said they attended musical shows, visited recording studios, met DJs, break-dancers, graphic artists, and writers and gained vast first-hand knowledge and experience of how the industry worked.
Zakwe, who was born in KwaMashu, became popular for creating a freestyle titled Isihlalo Sobukhosi. He touches on a range of interesting topics.
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