KZN Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane is expected to visit uThukela District on a vaccination drive. Picture: Siphiwe Moyo/KZN Department of Health
DURBAN - KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane is expected to visit KwaHlathi Village in uThukela District as part of the Siyagoma WayaWaya vaccination programme, in a bid to cajole and convince people from local communities to vaccinate.
This comes after uThukela District, namely Ladysmith and the surrounding areas, was identified as the district with the lowest number of vaccinated people.
Simelane will be conducting door-to-door home visits and will engage with locals in establishing reasons behind their reluctance to take the Covid-19 vaccines.
She will also debunk widespread myths and other false beliefs about the safety and effects of the vaccine.
The Department of Health said that although the province was officially out of the fourth wave, it was vital that as many people as possible were vaccinated.
“Covid-19 infection numbers are relatively low, (but) there is no certainty over whether there will be future new waves and ... how deadly they will be,” it said.
Simelane maintains that getting vaccinated against Covid-19 significantly reduces the risk of severe illness or death among those who get infected.
She urged those who have not yet been vaccinated to come forward and get the jab, so they could help the country reach population immunity.
Daily News