Cape Mental Health has hosted the Cape Town International Kite Festival since 1994. The festival is dedicated to raising funds and advocating for mental wellness. PICTURE: Sulize Terreblanche
The Cape Town International Kite Festival’s annual Pop-Up Fly Event will take place at Melkbosstrand Beach on Sunday October 27 and feature professional kiters such as Mari and Bradley Ware-Lane, Bobby Gathoo and Brian Skinner.
Over the past 30 years, Cape Town International Kite Festival activities have played a role in allowing people to speak freely, without fear of labels, about their mental health. The event allows artists, mental health ambassadors, staff, mental health care users, volunteers and everyone to share their stories of pain, healing and recovery.
The Cape Town International Kite Festival will also once again feature its annual Community Fly at Heideveld Sports Field on Wednesday October 23.
Cape Mental Health invites children with intellectual disability from their special education and care centres in Heideveld, Khayelitsha and Mitchell’s Plain to join in the fun at the community fly, as well as other Grade R pupils and preschools in the Heideveld community.
The Cape Town International Kite Festival will also host its EduKite Competition - a kite-decorating and kite-making competition for pupils from mainstream primary school schools and schools for children with special educational needs, with monetary prizes for the winning teams.
Visit for more information.
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