Janine, also known as Ofwarren, play by Madeline Brewer. Picture: Hulu Haindmaid's Tale/Instagram Janine, also known as Ofwarren, play by Madeline Brewer. Picture: Hulu Haindmaid's Tale/Instagram
Los Angeles - With its chilling portrait
of a patriarchal dictatorship where women are routinely raped,
mutilated and forcibly separated from their children, "The
Handmaid's Tale" has sometimes proved tough to stomach.
But Bruce Miller, creator and executive producer of the
television series based on Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel, says he
is "not in the business of inventing cruelties."
"I don't want the show to be torture to watch. It is
entertainment and you want people to be compelled by it. You
don't want it to be horrible medicine," Miller said.
Season three of the Emmy Award-winning series arrives on
streaming service Hulu on Wednesday with its portrait of life in
the fictional U.S. state of Gilead as seemingly prescient as
Handmaid June (played by Elisabeth Moss), having turned
down a rare the chance to escape Gilead with her newborn,
decides to remain to fight back against a society where women
are banned from reading and writing and forced into servitude.
It follows a second season last year that contained scenes
of beatings, hangings and rape that many viewers found too grim.
"I'm not interested in putting the audience through torture.
I try to only show the things that we need to see to understand
where June is emotionally and mentally," said Miller. "What I'm
trying to do is tell the story of June's survival and victory
and it's a long, slow slog."
Season three arrives as women in the United States,
sometimes wearing the distinctive red gowns and white bonnets
seen in the TV series, are protesting laws in 11 U.S. states
that severely restrict abortion.
Last season coincided with a crackdown on illegal
immigration at the U.S. border with Mexico in which parents and
their children were separated.
Although the theme of season three is rebellion, Miller
says there is no quick fix.
"We want to show what a hero really looks like - someone who
is stubborn. They get knocked down; they get bruised, and they
pick themselves up and try again," Miller said.
Miller said any direct parallels between the television
series and current world events are unintentional, although
Atwood has said that all the events in her book were drawn from
"We try to come up with what could happen in Gilead ...
(But) if you're going to make television that is tied to the
real world, it's going to be as disquieting as the political
turmoil the world seem to be going through right now," he said.
"Handmaid's Tale" premieres on M-Net (DStv Channel 101) on 10 June at 10pm.