With December holidays done and dusted, folks would agree that watching Date My Family is one of the favourite things to do on Sunday evenings.
Last night's episode didn’t disappoint with hip hop as the order of the day, featuring two rappers. And wait for it the one guy had a tattoo in the mouth, yep...he had a whole LOL tattooed inside his mouth, it’s no wonder nurse Nonceba didn’t pick him, the guy is a joke.
Nonceba Maloba, a 24 year-old nurse from Boksburg said she was looking for a man with lots of muscles, he must be and tall and handsome, who’s a ‘cotton eater’, he must dress well and smell good too.
Nonceba dined with three families, and seemingly she enjoyed the food so much she farted on national television, declaring that farting is one of her favourite things to do.
“I love farting”, she admitted.
#DateMyFamily Did she just let one rip? On someone’s couch?
Ah, no!! baby girl, we pinch the buttocks and send it back. pic.twitter.com/Mc62qXj62f
— Thoko Liz Nchabeleng (@Lizzie_Leah) January 7, 2018
Lmao that shameless fart from thy queen Nonceba 😂😂😂😂 #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/FzqRVhHBd8
— A mother ❤ (@_Sasa_Doll) January 7, 2018
Things have changed in 2018. No need to shy anymore, we fart on national TV #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/zeCl19tJmp
— Man's Not Barry Roux (@AdvBarryRoux) January 7, 2018
Before we move on though, we must also note that driver bae got upgraded from a Passat to a Vrrr phaa. He also rocked happy socks and the ladies continue to appreciate his hotness.
When is the driver going to be one of the bachelors??? Just asking for a friend.😂😂😂 #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/TNyFJHcETr
— Musawenkosi Mdolomba (@AriesStar98) January 7, 2018
Lol nibone le VW !! tjerrrr pic.twitter.com/oOGkckswvd
— THIS IS MXO (@u_shot_em) January 7, 2018
This week’s bachelorette nearly landed in hot water when she jokingly said, she wants a man with a car, it has to be a Beemer, who would also be able to maintain her lifestyle, which includes a R4000 girlfriend allowance.
Some forgot she said she was joking and went for her.
These blessers, woman-beaters and human traffickers THRIVE on girls who want a Girlfriend allowance. You get owned basically. #DateMyFamily
— Man's Not Barry Roux (@AdvBarryRoux) January 7, 2018
She was not joking about that 4sgodo #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/gZchtPNFwE
— 🐃jolinkomo🐃 (@FistoAvuyile) January 7, 2018
#DateMyFamily4k? That's not an allowance,it's a salary. pic.twitter.com/v1vAIMnAc6
— Ayabonga Tshali (@AyabongaTshali1) January 7, 2018
The first bachelor, Rea’s family seemed like a good “vibe” but the tattooed in his mouth was a total turn off for Noncebo.
She said the guy is not serious about life.
The second family was Peter aka Speedo’s who spoke highly of the bachelor. Peter was ready to propose but he didn’t bother to show up, perhaps he knew his fate hence him and family went MIA on us. Driver bae had to leave the bottle of wine by the door.
That was rude by the way Speedo!
The last family Noncebo visited was Kwanda’s family, who clearly made a good impression on Noncebo, although upon meeting his chosen date, she felt she was ‘’sold dreams’’.
Viewers thought the show failed to deliver what Nonceba had ordered.
#DateMyFamily today's candidates are all turn offs .. can't deal pic.twitter.com/ztqnxBUR4X
— purple^dimensions♡ (@remonaelwe) January 7, 2018
RT if you think that #DateMyFamily failed Nonceba pic.twitter.com/uNY0xCY763
— Chubby Cheex (@Tshegokiie) January 7, 2018
Shame, I wish there was an option where you don't choose anyone. Because nje, this girl has been taken for a ride. #DateMyFamily
— Samú (@SamkeloNdlovu) January 7, 2018
#DateMyFamily failed this girl shem pic.twitter.com/3mHxNJWEUD
— Pamela khanyile 🇿🇦 (@pamela_khanyile) January 7, 2018
All these guys ke di zero shem. She must just run away with driver bae #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/kiB4XskgI0
— Tshiamo (@Toxicdreams4) January 7, 2018
— Bongani_Diego® (@BonganiD_Kaunda) January 7, 2018
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