UNOZINTI weMamelodi Sundowns neBafana Bafana, uRonwen Williams nezindondo ezimbili azithole kumaCaf Awards eMorocco, ngoMsombuluko ebusuku Isithombe: BACKPAGEPIX
UBONGE bonke abantu abafaka isandla ekukhuleni kwakhe enkundleni nangaphandle kwayo ngesikhathi ehlabana ngezindondo ezimbili kuma-Caf Awards ka-2024, unozinti weMamelodi Sundowns neBafana Bafana, uRonwen Williams.
Lo nozinti (32) uthathe indondo ye-Men’s Interclub Player of the Year neye-Men’s Goalkeeper of the Year emcimbini obuseMarrakech, eMorocco, ngoMsombuluko ebusuku.
Ukuvimba kwakhe inqwaba yamaphenathi namanye amashodi ayingozi ngesikhathi iBafana iqeda endaweni yesithathu kwi-Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) e-Ivory Coast, ngasekuqaleni konyaka nokugqama kwakhe uma edlalela iSundowns emiqhudelwaneni yasekhaya neyeCaf, yikhona okuholele ekutheni angaqokwa njengonozinti ovelele kuphela kodwa aphinde akhethwe njengomdlali obashaye emakhanda bonke abazinze e-Afrika.
Kulo mcimbi ubabize ngamagama bonke abaqeqeshi abacija onozinti aseke wasebenza nabo. Uqale ngomalume wakhe, uMaurice “Mokes” Camelio, okunguyena owamyekisa ukuba ngumgadli, wamphendula unozinti esengumfana omncane edlala ngakubo eGlenvadale, eGqeberha.
Ubonge nabanye abampheka emaqenjini awadlalele okuyiSuperSport United neMamelodi Sundowns, kanye naseqenjini lesizwe ngokumthuthukisa aze abalwe nonozinti abahamba phambili emhlabeni jikelele.
Kuwona lo nyaka, uWilliams uqede endaweni yesishiyagalolunye embangweni weYashin Trophy okuyindondo eklonyeliswa unozinti ovelele emhlabeni kumaBallon d’Or Awards.
"Ngibe nonyaka omangalisayo kodwa bengingeke ngikwenze ngingedwa. Ngibonga bonke ozakwethu nabaqeqeshi abebenami kulo lonke uhambo lwami. Ngifuna ukubonga kakhulu abaqeqeshi bonozinti engisebenze nabo kusukela ngisengumfanyana.
“Labo ngoMokes Camelio, Grant Johnson, Deshi Baktawer, Andre Arendse, William Shongwe, Lucky Shiburi, Lee Baxter, Wendell Robinson kanye noKennedy Mweene. Angisoze ngakukhohlwa abangenzele khona. Ngiyabonga ngokungibumba ngibe ngunozinti nomdlali enginguye namuhla.
“Izinto zingihambela kahle kakhulu njengamanje. Ngiyabonga kwiCaf ngokungihlonipha ngalezi zindondo. Ngibonga bonke engibambisene nabo, umndeni wami, abazali bami, umfowethu nodadewethu, umama wabantwana bami nazo izingane zami ngokuhlezi bengikhuthaza.
“Bekungelula, kodwa bangithwalile ngaze ngafinyelela lapha. Ngiyazi ukuthi ukunqoba kwami kuzogqugquzela izigidi zabantu baseNingizimu Afrika ukuthi bazethembe futhi bakholwe ukuthi amaphupho abo azofezeka.”
Konke okwenzeka kuWilliams ebholeni njengamanje kwacishe kwangenzeka njengoba wayesethathe isinqumo sokuliyeka ibhola ngo-2010, kulandela ukudlula emhlabeni kukamfowabo omdala, uMarvin, owashona engozini yemoto.
Nokho ababemqeqesha kwiSuperSport ngaleso sikhathi bamncenga ukuthi abuyele eqenjini, bagcina bemnqobile.
U-Ademola Lookman waseNigeria, ogijima eqenjini lase-Italy, i-Atalanta, uhlabane nendondo enkulukazi yeMen’s Player of the Year, kwathi umdlali waseZambia ophinde agijime eqenjini lase-United States, i-Orlando Pride, uBarbra Banda, wathola eyeWomen’s Player of the Year.
Uhlu oluphelele lwabanqobe kuma-Caf Awards ka-2024
Caf Men’s Player of the Year:
Ademola Lookman (Nigeria / Atalanta)
Caf Women’s Player of the Year:
Barbra Banda (Zambia / Orlando Pride)
Caf Men’s Interclub Player of the Year:
Ronwen Williams (South Africa / Mamelodi Sundowns)
Caf Women’s Interclub Player of the Year
Sanaâ Mssoudy (Morocco / AS FAR)
Caf Men’s Goalkeeper of the Year:
Ronwen Williams (South Africa / Mamelodi Sundowns)
Caf Women’s Goalkeeper of the Year:
Chiamaka Nnadozie (Nigeria / Paris FC)
Caf Men’s Young Player of the Year:
Lamine Camara (Senegal / AS Monaco)
Caf Women’s Young Player of the Year
Doha El Madani (Morocco / AS FAR)
Caf Men’s Coach of the Year:
Emerse Fae (Ivory Coast)
Caf Women’s Coach of the Year:
Lamia Boumehdi (TP Mazembe)
Caf Men’s National Team of the Year:
Ivory Coast
Caf Women’s National Team of the Year
Caf Men’s Club of the Year:
Al Ahly (Egypt)
Caf Women’s Club of the Year:
TP Mazembe (DR Congo)
Caf Men’s Referee of the Year:
Mutaz Ibrahim (Libya)
Caf Women’s Referee of the Year
Bouchra Karboubi (Morocco)
Caf Men’s Assistant Referre of the Year:
Elvis Guy Noupue Nguegoue (Cameroon)
Caf Women’s Assistant Referee of the Year:
Diana Chikotesha (Zambia)
Caf Goal of the Year:
Mabululu (Angola)
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