A former Buckingham Palace maid revealed that it was her daily duty to meticulously arrange his collection of 72 teddies according to size. Picture: YouTube A former Buckingham Palace maid revealed that it was her daily duty to meticulously arrange his collection of 72 teddies according to size. Picture: YouTube
FOLLOWING the release of Scoop, the new Netflix film dramatising Prince Andrew's infamous 2019 interview, the Duke of York has found himself in the spotlight for a rather peculiar reason, his bizarre obsession for teddy bears.
The film portrays Prince Andrew, Duke of York, berating a palace housemaid for arranging his plush menagerie incorrectly.
While this might seem like an outlandish creative liberty, there's evidence suggesting it is rooted in reality.
Watch the teddy bear scene from ‘Scoop’ below:
A former Buckingham Palace maid, Charlotte Briggs, revealed to The Sun in 2022 that she worked at the Palace during the mid-90s, when Andrew, a veteran of the Falklands War, was still in his thirties.
It was her daily duty to meticulously arrange his collection of 72 teddies according to size.
"It was the most bizarre aspect of the job," Briggs recalled.
"They were all these old-fashioned Steiff bears, mostly dressed in sailor suits and hats. Training on how to arrange them properly took a whole day!"
Apparently, the process was quite an elaborate one. Each evening, Briggs would take the teddies down and arrange them around the room, with designated spots for each.
The smaller ones were stacked in a disused fireplace, while Andrew's two favourites held court on thrones flanking his bed.
Further credence comes from Paul Page, a former member of the Royal Protection Command (as reported by The Sun).
Page claimed to have witnessed "around 50 or 60 stuffed toys" on the Prince's bed.
He also mentioned a laminated picture kept in a drawer, depicting the "correct" teddy bear placement – a supposed fail-safe to avoid Andrew's displeasure.
While Buckingham Palace has remained silent on these claims, Prince Andrew himself has acknowledged his fondness for these cuddly companions.
In a 2010 interview with The Sun, he admitted:
"I've always collected teddy bears. Everywhere I went in the navy, I'd buy a little one, so I have quite a global collection."
Whether a lifelong passion or a more peculiar eccentricity, Prince Andrew's teddy bear obsession continues to be a curious detail about his public persona.
https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6915796dc894fc83&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enZA1079ZA1080&sxsrf=ACQVn0-hZtZGC8rn2X4lFi97qIRrfGVEOQ:1713180194521&q=prince+andrews+teddy+bear+collection&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCxbjHjcSFAxVkyQIHHQDHCbMQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1366&bih=599&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:da8eb357,vid:lMBJQzPwCw8,st:0IOL Entertainment