Rachel Kolisi. Picture: Instagram/rachelkolisi
It’s only been one week but it seems like the Kolisi family are settling in well in Paris.
The past weekend was yet another busy one for Rachel Kolisi and her children as they went off to London to watch the Springboks versus All Blacks match at Twickenham Stadium.
On the day she posted a video to her Instagram feed sharing highlights, including a snippet of her embracing husband Siya Kolisi.
In her most recent Instagram post, she wrote: “We were really fortunate to go to London last week and see Siya, watch the game and host our first ever @kolisi_foundation UK fundraiser!”
The mother of two highlighted what their first week in Paris has been like.
She continued her post by saying: “This week will be our first week staying in Paris while we prepare for school, Nic will be going into “year 4” grade 4 and Kez “year 1” / grade 1.”
On Sunday she had to go into the city to take their son to a doctor, adding that “pretty much everything is closed on a Sunday.”
Last week she mentioned that she was struggling to get around the city but now feels more comfortable driving, even though she still takes “plenty of wrong turns”.
Rachel is really getting into the swing of things. She even went grocery shopping which she says was a “whole other level of exhausting” because everything is in a different language..
“I already hate shopping,” she wrote.
However, she has already started to learn the language.
“I’ve started doing some French lessons on a app @duolingo until we’re a little more settled and I can figure out actual classes.”
She continued by saying that it’s her son Nic’s birthday coming up and she’s trying to figure out a way to celebrate his birthday, considering the fact that he hasn’t made any friends yet and that they have already been to Disneyland.
“The other morning I woke up feeling super sad and a bit scared, it kind of comes in waves, it’s the same for the kids, but we try remind each other of all there is to look forward to, and being busy does help - I think,” she added.
“Okay, sorry for the essay! Just appreciate those of you who are leaning into this big change and being so supportive, so trying to keep you well updated,” she concluded.