Astrology / horoscope signs - pisces
Your Year Ahead
Over the years, you have learnt that life’s wheel turns in cycles, and that troubled times are eventually toppled by good fortune.
This year, special situations bring significant rewards. Take time to reflect on past actions, acknowledge your progress and realise that the best is yet to come.
At work, the more you do, the more you get to do. There’s also the notion of karma. Whatever way you look at it, this next year, expect financial recompense and recognition.
You’ll be super busy, but that’s just fine because, in your mind, challenge is something to be conquered, not feared.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Most Ariens have their hands full right now. If you intend to keep loved friends and family guessing, you’re off to a good start. Life seems erratic, so making fixed plans might not be wise. Our lives often put forward difficult dilemmas. Perhaps your world currently feels unbalanced. Perhaps it’s all work and no play. Or perhaps, you just need a break.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
The cosmos rattles your unsettled cage, triggering even more impulsive behaviour. Just take care, as rebellious acts are more likely to increase tension rather than reduce it. Of course, it can be fun to defy authority but, this week, at what cost? Instead, try working all that nervous energy with full-on physical or creative activity.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Here's a week when you’re free to chase your desires, probably to the point of overindulgence. You’re set on experimenting with new styles. Indeed, a classy new look is sure to surprise everyone. Romance may also be a drawcard. Some are smitten with colleagues, others feel drawn to new romance. You feel loving, and loved.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
The planets encourage you to inject some spontaneity into your life, be it in work or at play. All you need is something or someone who differs from the norm. They could come via a person you know or by way of an unexpected invitation. Life has a funny way of turning up these little surprises.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Leos work hard, but maybe it’s time to pass the baton to someone else for a while. This is a week for catching up on things that aren’t all that important and for paying attention to more pleasurable desires. Basically, this week the planets suggest a touch of hedonism, if that’s what it takes to balance you out.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
If you’ve felt overburdened with responsibilities, delightful Jupiter lifts your mood. Expect a busy social scene and an equally agile love life. With finances also improving, you finally get a chance to spend up. No surprises, then, if loved ones benefit from your generosity. Travel if you can. Perhaps a cosy break-for-two?
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Some Librans may have been party to unnecessary conflict lately. Don’t get duped into becoming the reluctant ally. While others might have ideas on how you should spend your valuable time, just go your own sweet way, especially if you’re caught in someone else’s emotional tug of war. And if it all turns too nasty, make a run for it.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
While others map out a clear plan for the coming week, many Scorpios mull over the past. Recently, life has suffered a reality check. Seeing your inner strength put on the rack can be a queasy experience, but there are always lessons to be learnt. Indeed, what you have sacrificed in recent months will soon be returned tenfold.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Sharing the brighter, sassier side of your character comes naturally this week. Many Sagittarians also feel drawn towards more risk and adventure. If unexpected offers come sailing in, you’re ready and keen to hop on board. Fortunately, instinct will help you avoid any stormy seas as you intuitively navigate in the right direction.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
The planets ask that you sort out your finances once and for all, so you now have to be focused on work and money in order to thrive. The upside: a possible promotion or cash bonus, but stash any extra cash and you may just gain yourself a reprieve. Love brings surprises, with romance possibly being secretive.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
There will probably be a few raised eyebrows this week as you take a less tactful position. How loved ones react to your mood swings could determine the future of a particular relationship. By insisting on freedom to make your own decisions, you may end up making all the choices yourself. Is that what you really want?
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your mojo is back, Pisces. This go-getter week helps you vault over any obstacles. Finally aware of the magic you can make, you should make the best use of all of your innate talents. Don’t be afraid to press ahead, even if this means stepping outside the box. Consider this your official cosmic pick-me-up.
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