Aries star sign.
Your year ahead
You are distinctive, Aries. Intrigued by the idiosyncrasies that distinguish one individual from another, friends come from every walk of life. There’s little difficulty in attracting love.
Through April to June, the planets offer the right encouragement to down tools and play. Money matters keep you busy in August. Career goals and ambitions gather pace from October.
You should also consider a new educational course. By November any ailing love affairs should have passed, giving you more freedom to rediscover the dating game. And, as you well know, practice does make perfect.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Bolt all doors that may invite invasion of privacy. Your financial and personal affairs, in particular, will stand more chance of success if they stay hidden. Guard your secrets and money well. Someone wants to take advantage. Stay focused, or you could find yourself misled or even worse - swindled.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Take care when dealing with your finances this week. Someone might be nursing a grudge and they’re looking for some kind of pay-back. Still, there’s no one quite like you to scoff in the face of adversity. Savvy Taureans can often turn misfortunes into a successful game. Better still, you may also find someone new to play with.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Establishing a routine has been difficult, and self-discipline a bore. You may also be fretful about finances. Not surprising, as you’ve recently been presented with a not-so-great report on how you’ve managed your funds. If necessary, rein in the plastic and nurture nest eggs. Professionally, stay open to new opportunities.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
If searching for something nice to say, you’re probably lost for conversation right now. Blame it on a mischievous cosmos, tetchy hormones or any other meddling factors you can think of. Cancerians are on a short fuse right now, and you’re as philosophical as a drawn dagger. Give others fair warning.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Leos finally tackle the backlog of work that has been piling up, but you’re not spurred on solely by the work ethic. A more likely motivation is your longing for luxury, which needs financing. You may, however, find yourself battling with someone in a position of power. Mercury compensates by introducing an intriguing new friend.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
Take a fixed stance on something, and the opposite will surely prove you wrong. This week, much of what you’ve held up as true seems in the process of being destroyed. But before you go drowning in a well of self pity, throw in a couple of coins and wish for a life jacket. If nothing else, you’ll find some pocket change.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Slow down, Libra. This week, take a break and give yourself a chance to rest. If reconciliation is necessary, make an effort to forgive and forget. In return, something that has seemed daunting may suddenly turn into a simple exercise - thanks to the generosity of a colleague or friend. You can return the favour in time.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Just when you thought everything was going well, yet another setback may test you. Don’t panic. You have the tenacity to get through this. Most Scorpios work too long and too hard to even consider surrender. You’re prepared to take all necessary measures to maintain a sense of stability - and that’s what counts.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Problems have a knack of building in intensity right up to the point of no return. You’re not your usual easy-going self this week Sagittarius, edging more towards feeling frustrated or annoyed. Mostly you’ll stay patient, but we all get a little battle-worn sometimes. Do yourself a favour - withdraw from conflict, if you can. Regroup and recoup.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
You have the enviable ability to catch hold of yourself in times of chaos and do a quick reality check. Just as well, as life’s been a busy blur of activity recently - and you’ve probably made more changes than usual. Unnerving, but certainly exhilarating. Just don’t be guilted or seduced into following another’s dreams.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
As ever, you’re sharp as a tack, Aquarius - so here’s another week when little sneaks past you. But this kind of awareness can be a bane as well as a blessing. When constantly on full alert, you rarely get the chance to relax. So try to occasionally slow the pace and take some time out for some plain old fun. You might even enjoy it.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You’re the envy of many this week, as things seem to fall into place for many Pisceans. Mostly because you're sensible enough to avoid the war zone that seems to be besieging most of the zodiac. Keep clear of the front line, but be prepared to take in casualties. They’ll return the favour when you need it most.
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