Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Every week has its complications but until mid May, Mercury’s backflip could create even greater delays. Not to worry. If given the chance, feisty Ariens like nothing better than to tear up boring schedules. Whether this leads to disappointment depends on your expectations. Someone you considered a potential lover might become a friend instead.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
This week’s Mercury retrograde signals a time of endings. Perhaps, you’re hanging onto something tightly because you’re worried that it could suddenly be taken away. Rather than resist change, Taurus, rethink your priorities. Chances are, you have a dormant collection of artefacts and half-baked projects that are ready for the bonfire.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
During Mercury retrograde, many Geminis can become critical, cranky or downright grumpy. If guilty as charged, use this week to chill, and perhaps revive your sense of humour. The pragmatic, material world will still need your attention, so hold on to your valuables and assets, and make sure you have something saved for a rainy day.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Guess what? Mercury has turned retrograde again, which means that until mid May, it’s not the best time to start new ventures, make financial investments or even change jobs. Rather, you should be looking to finish projects and gain a better perspective on life. Use this week to increase self-awareness and inner growth.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Mercury reverses into your sector of resolutions, so delay crucial work decisions or money matters. Should mishaps and misunderstandings start to create financial meltdowns, take as many precautionary measures as you can. Switch up your online passwords and back up important data. Don’t sign any important documents.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
Your ruler, Mercury, is out of phase until mid May and that spells short-term trouble. Life might become a tad more complex now, so try to simplify your daily plans and projects by avoiding anything that could cause headaches, stress or physical exhaustion. Tackle one thing at a time and don’t make major decisions or purchases.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
All areas of communication will be affected between now and mid May, including matters related to teaching, healing or personal and workplace relationships. Beware of travel mix-ups, mail and delivery mishaps or missed appointments of all kinds. Back up your computers and be careful of documents going astray.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
In recent times, you remained calm and did your best. No one could possibly have asked for more. This week, you start to make up for lost ground. One hint: work on your presentation. It’s all in the way you tell it and sell it. Even if the occasional hurdle does crop up, know that you’re a stayer who’s in for the win.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
This week, double check dates, times and emails. Why? Because an erratic Mercury causes havoc until mid May. Use the time to go through old files, tidy correspondence, complete projects and tend to unfinished business. Computers, phones, cars or other electronic objects might experience slow-downs or unexpected failures.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
A back-pedalling Mercury suddenly pressures you to eliminate and release anything old, outworn or obsolete. A partnership could be in a do-or-die phase, with an armoury of lethal emotions firing back and forth. Some Capricorns might seek a deeper meaning to their being. But keep a few kilos of salt handy for the words of false prophets.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
With plenty of your zodiac neighbours heading for the hammock, here’s your chance to outrun them. Some Aquarian transits overrule a lazy Mercury, all vying to give you that extra spark. Things are going so well that unexpected detours hold the promise of new love or friendship. A sou mate might be closer than you think.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Look at the recurring patterns in your life, Pisces, and perhaps ask why you often give your power away. You’re so much a people-pleaser but your priority right now should be to please yourself. Stop suppressing that special spirit inside you. This week, you’re given planetary permission to shine, so do just that.
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