Your Year Ahead
Here’s a year that holds the promise of success. So, when unexpected offers come in, you’ll be keen to take advantage. Your optimism and determination also make a powerful package; and any new study will give you the substance to follow through. By November, prosperity surrounds your home and family – care of a timely bonus or good fortune. The sale or purchase of property could also help to increase wealth. Meanwhile, love interests also flourish. Singles are offered more choice – couples become more intimate. Make room in your diary for a trip for two.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Best Day: Saturday 17th
There’s a huge happening in the heavens, Aries. You've just completed a long cycle in which priorities revolved around relationships. Finally, you can concentrate on your own needs. Indeed, you have a deep instinct that something special is on its way – including a complete overhaul of self-image. Expect a leaner, more fit you.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Best Day: Friday 16th
You often produce your best results when working in a team. Of course, it takes the right combination of people to bring about success, and this is where some problems might arise. Finances, however, promise a much-needed boost. Or someone close does well in the cash stakes, and you get to share some of their spoils.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Best Day: Sunday 11th
Geminis are known for their wistful ways. It’s fine to have the occasional daydream – but don’t let fantasy replace reality. A hard ask, I know. But in order not to be exploited, you really must be able to deal with the cold, hard facts of life – and there may be a few to contend with this week. Know who your true allies are.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Best Day: Monday 12th
This week encourages Cancerians to give ambitions a nudge. But you first must discard any debilitating doubts. Over time, it can become very easy to fall into a safe and familiar rut. This could be fuelled by fear of failure or simple lethargy. Neither suit your usual determined nature. So, while the cosmic coast is clear, make changes.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Best Day: Saturday 17th
A dazzling cosmos showcases Leos’ skywards unique talents this week, so work or business options could suddenly soar skywards. You leave a lasting impression on others who now notice how well you perform your duties. A new friendship or romance comes as a special delivery, although it might not arrive in the package you expected.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
Best Day: Wednesday 14th
Routine has become a way of life for many. If life has become too predictable, it’s time to try something new – even if you’re still stuck at home. Start by making one small change every day or so. Initially, the choice may not feel comfortable, but it’s important to realise how long old patterns have been fixed in place. Be bold, Virgo.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Best Day: Sunday 11th
Stand by for a maximum dose of claustrophobia – the madding crowd invades your personal space, and you haven’t a hope of hitting the escape hatch. Up until now, you’ve been the epitome of patience. If you’re still dealing with a situation that defies reason by week’s end, perhaps the simplest solution is to just walk away.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Best Day: Thursday 15th
The truest test of character often arises in emergencies. But is there really a crisis happening now, or is someone being overly dramatic? Step back from the hysteria surrounding you and calmly reassess the situation. Even if the week presents challenges, it’s a fairly safe bet that the future’s not totally doomed.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Best Day: Friday 16th
We’re forever planning for the future, forgetting that in order to manifest what we want, we must live in the present. Of course, it’s worry that usually clouds our judgement. This week reminds you not to fret. Mostly, you have all you need and you’re moving in the right direction. Everything will fall into place soon enough.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Best Day: Tuesday 13th
Unexpected visitors or friends could become the bane of your life. Although you might feel you can cope with whoever turns up, a certain blast from the past may still have the power to blindside. Not a problem. Simply charm, and then disarm. The more accommodating you are, the sooner you realise who deserves to be shown the door.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
Best Day: Friday 16th
Aquarians are known for their stubborn streak. And as compromise isn’t your top priority this week, expect some heated discussions. You’ve had a taste of freedom and want more. Though the planets counsel a degree of care, you want to throw caution to the wind. Just as well your cash supply looks plentiful – even if it is borrowed.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Best Day: Thursday 15th
Life’s harsher lessons can now turn to your advantage. Although you still feel the pressure of responsibility, don’t lose your sense of fun. Work and play can overlap. The cosmos also heightens financial instinct, inspiring you to find imaginative ways to improve income. And there’s truth in that old cliché: “It’s not what you know, but who you know.”
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