A man subscribed to his sister-in-law’s porn site. Picture: Pexels/Ron Lach
Relationships with the in-laws can go two ways: either you love them and get along like a house on fire, or you cannot stand them and want as little to do with them as possible.
This woman’s brother-in-law seems to think they are so close that he can follow her porn site.
If you ask me, that’s a bit weird. Why would you want to see your brother’s wife on a porn site?
A 29-year-old Reddit user who has been married to her 33-year-old husband, whose family is very conservative, for two years has taken to the AITA group to share the rather bizarre experience she had with her in-law.
She states that about five years ago, she started making “certain kinds of content on certain kinds of platforms”.
“My husband is completely supportive, but we don’t tell his family what I do because he didn’t want them to know (they thought that I still worked in insurance). Also, I keep my personal social media separate from the accounts I make porn with, though it’s not impossible to connect the two,” shares the Reddit user.
“Not too long ago, an account using my BIL’s (brother-in-law) name ‘’Eric’’ and a username that he has on many of his other social media accounts paid to subscribe to me on the site that I use to post adult content. I only noticed because I recognised the username when he liked a video I posted. I told my husband about this, and we decided to block the account. (It was obviously him),” she continues.
The family, including Eric, his wife, and his newborn son, all got together for Mother’s Day.
“It was a nice get-together initially, but then Eric kept asking me how work was going and kept asking for super specific details. He wouldn’t leave me alone, to the point that my FIL noticed and cracked a joke about it.”
“I lost my patience at one BS question he had and said, ‘You seem like you really want everyone to know that I make porn’.”
“He started laughing and said that he didn’t know what I meant by that. I said that he had been fixating on what I do for work all night and that it was starting to p*ss me off because I just had to block him and refund his money on the site he subscribed to.”
Now her in-laws don’t approve of her, and Eric and his wife are furious.
“Eric said that his family doesn’t want to be around both my husband and myself until I apologise to him and his wife for wrongly accusing him of ‘watching that filth’.”
“The thing is, I 100% believe that it was him, and I don’t think it’s right that he tried to bully me over something that has nothing to do with him. I want to stand my ground on this, but I also feel bad because my husband is unwillingly in the middle.”
Was she an a**hole for outing her brother-in-law?
One Reddit user commented, “It was 100% him. He was definitely trying to provoke you or let you know he knew what you were doing. You'll be better off without him in your life. NTA”.
“NTA. He was obviously trying to shame you and make you feel awkward about what you do, but he didn't think you'd admit it or drop him in it. He thought he had power over you and he's p*ssed off it failed,” said another.
“Play stupid games won stupid prizes. It was obviously him. NTA and stand your ground,” commented someone else.
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