Mitchell’s Plain Girl Guides, Scouts and their families enjoyed cleaning Mnandi Beach on Saturday June 22.
Mitchell’s Plain Girl Guides and Scouts collected 238kg of waste from just a small section of Mnandi Beach on Saturday June 22.
The beach clean-up was in honour of World Oceans Day, which was celebrated on Saturday June 8.
Silversands Trefoil Guild, members of Girl Guides 18 years and older, were joined by First Portland Girl Guides’ Teddies, aged between five and 7; Brownies, between seven and 10; Girl Guides, between 10 and 14; Rangers, between 14 and 18; adult leaders aged 18 and older ; First Rocklands Cub Pack, including boys and girls in Scouts aged between seven and 11; adult leaders and their families; Mitchell’s Plain Disaster Risk Management volunteers; members of Fitness Fusion Walking Club as well as members of the public who had seen the What’s On notice of the event in the Plainsman.
Together, 58 volunteers filled 27 bags of refuse.
Guild chairwoman Tiffany Klink said during their first beach clean-up they picked up earbuds, straws, lighters, syringes, lollipop sticks, condoms, glass bottles, fishing lines and hooks.
“There was also rubble like toilet pots from a dilapidated toilet building, a carpet and items of clothing.
“These are all items that can endanger the lives of our sea creatures,” she said.
She thanked all of the volunteers who joined them.
The Girl Guides also thanked all the volunteers who joined them and contributed in a small way to saving the planet.
Ms Klink also appealed to fishermen to stop disposing of their fishing lines and hooks on the beach.
“Please dispose of them in a responsible manner,” she said.
She also thanked non-profit environmental company Save a Fishie for their donation of refuse bags and disposable gloves; and the City of Cape Town’s Solid Waste department for collecting the bags of waste.
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