Forms to nominate someone for a hospital board can be obtained and dropped off at your nearest health facility.
Provincial Health and Wellness MEC Mireille Wenger has sounded a call for nominations for people to serve on clinic committees and hospital boards for the 2024-to-2027 term.
“Hospital boards and clinic committees are vital to our health-care system. They oversee financial management, service delivery, policy implementation, and maintain high standards of care,” she said in a statement.
Nomination forms can be obtained and dropped off at the nearest health facility. November 10 is the deadline for submissions.
To nominate someone, you must include the name of the facility, the full name and address of the nominee, a signed copy of the nominee's CV, a motivation for the nominee's suitability, and a declaration of the nominee's willingness to serve.
Additionally, for community representatives, further information about the nominating body and the nominee's membership status or reason for nomination if not a member is required.
False Bay Hospital Board chairperson Felicity Purchase said joining one of these boards represented a commitment to serving the community.
“These boards create an interface between health-care facilities and the communities they serve. When residents have concerns or ideas about service delivery, they can use the boards as a platform to communicate with the management of the hospital or clinic. This helps with accountability and ensures that facilities remain in touch with community needs.”
The board should be representative of the community and capable of fulfilling fiduciary responsibilities, she said.
"It’s also about serving the clinic or hospital in terms of fund-raising for things they need but don’t have a budget for.
“We have fund-raising events, including a big gala dinner coming up in September to raise funds,” said Ms Purchase.
She said a major refurbishment False Bay Hospital was planned for next year.
For more information, contact Tara Chamberlain at 021 202 0945 or