Young and old took to Hout Bay Beach on Saturday for Valley Pre-Primary School’s annual Sandcastle Competition. The event supports the Sonwabile Bursary to help 10 Hout Bay children attend the school. The Hoffer family scooped the family trophy with this fairy sandcastle.
The Ubuntu Stars team, representing the Ubuntu Charity in Imizamo Yethu, won the Sonwabile category for their heart-shaped sandcastle.Hangberg Primary School won the the interschool section with their Beetle sandcastle. Back, from left, Kroenendal Primary School principal Nathan Levendal, former Valley Pre-Primary School principal Christa van den Berg, Valley Pre-Primary principal Natasha du Toit (holding the bag) and Valley Pre-Primary deputy principal Tara Ruck with prize-winners, in front, from left, Sarah Hoffer, Liv Hoffer, Boaz Boushe and Leoni van der Sande. (Absent: Jenna Hartley).Kroenendal Primary School principal Nathan Levendal, former Valley Pre-Primary School principal Christa van den Berg, Valley Pre-Primary principal Natasha du Toit and Valley Pre-Primary deputy principal Tara Ruck with Hangberg Primary prize-winners, middle, from left, Kiesha Timera, Donovan Lodewyk, Malachi Adams, Alwina-Cyan Toll, Mikhail Chimwamwa, Alexia Adams, Cindy Potani and Tyrone Madikisa, and, in front, Shannel du Plessis, Tyra van Nelson, Cordelia Opperman, Bianca Swartz and Sheila Erickson.The Sonwabile category winners, Ubuntu Stars, with their prizes.Llandudno Primary School teacher Kate McAlery and Grade 6 pupils Mila Said, middle, and Milly Moodycliffe also rolled up their sleeves for the sandcastle competition.