These beautiful Long-Beaked Common Dolphins were spotted at Gordon’s Bay a few days ago by Hanneke Fourie-Beneke, chasing a shoal of fish. Dolphins are the most abundant cetacean in the world, with a global population of about six million. The common dolphin is not thought of as the archetypal dolphin, with that distinction belonging to the bottlenose dolphin, due to its popular appearances in aquaria and the media. However, the common dolphin is often depicted in Ancient Greek and Roman art and culture, most notably in a mural painted by the Greek Minoan civilization. These dolphins are less robust than bottlenose dolphins, and have a dark-brown to black body, with characteristic, orange-brown, ‘figure of eight’ markings on the sides and a creamy-white underbelly. Calves are born throughout the year but births peak in summer after one year gestation, and they are suckled for six months. Females are sexually mature at nine years, and both sexes may live for over 40 years.Common dolphins are found offshore in most temperate to tropical waters, and are usually found in large groups, and are very gregarious and love boats, utilising the bow wave and the wake of a boat to save energy. At top speeds (they’ve been clocked at almost 20 knots) they will also ‘porpoise’ and leave the water entirely.
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