Pictured with the yellow bench are Bradley Bailey, in the yellow shirt and Lucinda Evans, next to him on the left.
Image: Picture: Supplied
The Harry Belafonte Kind Heart Bench was unveiled at the Philisa Abafazi Bethu (Heal Our Women) Centre in Retreat, on Saturday March 15.
The Kind Heart Bench project was founded by Bradley Bailey in 2014.
The project has installed benches at numerous locations across the province with the help of sponsors and more recently, the Uthando (Love) NPO.
Mr Bailey said: “This special event honoured the life and legacy of Harry Belafonte, a man whose contributions extended far beyond music and film. Belafonte was not only a celebrated singer, songwriter and musician – he was a devoted human rights activist who fought for the freedom of South Africans during the apartheid regime.”
The Kind Heart Bench serves as a token of appreciation for Mr Belafonte’s invaluable support for South Africa’s liberation.
“It stands as a powerful symbol of love, peace and unity, representing everything he stood for and tirelessly fought for in his mission to end racial injustice."