
Budding Ottery ballers set sights on Madrid

Staff Reporter|Published

Soccer-zac Zac Wallace, 16, needs funds to participate in a soccer tournament in Spain.

Image: Picture: Supplied

Two Ottery boys Zac Wallace, 16, and Matthew Barends, 18, have been working hard to realise their dream to take part in the MadCup Football Tournament in Madrid, Spain, from June 21 until June 27. They are planning to leave on June 18.

MadCup Football is a large, federated international youth football tournament that started in the Community of Madrid and has expanded to Gran Canaria, attracting over 14 000 players annually and hosting teams from 49 countries. It aims to be a celebration of global youth, fostering respect, dedication, and teamwork through sports. 

The Ottery boys’ parents had been working hard towards getting R48 500 each for the trip and so far they have only raised R18 000 and R10 000 respectively.

The Wallace and Barends families had been separately working towards raising funds for their kids.

Jade Wallace, Zac’s mother, said she wanted to make her son’s dream come true. When he was diagnosed with severe asthma at the age of 4.

“We were told by the doctor that he would not be able to do any sporting activities because if he does, he would pass out and die. By the grace of God we never kept him away from playing soccer because that is what he loved doing.”

Ms Wallace said Zac was one of 10 children who was treated in a clinical trial for asthma. “He got treatment via an injection at home at the age of 11. Last year he decided not to take the injection anymore and we (the parents) gave permission to stop the trial treatment. Thank God that he is still doing very well.”

Ms Wallace said the family have had a few fund-raisers such as raffles. “We also have  takeaways from Friday to Saturday which is helping (with the funds).”

Soccer-matthew Matthew Barends, 18, needs funds to realise his soccer dream.

Image: Picture: Supplied

André Barends, father of Matthew, 18, said “our fund-raisers so far: A boerewors, hot chips sales, raffles and a five aside tournament in our community of Ottery.”

“We will be having a dance and karaoke fund-raise, at the Grassy Park Hotel, on Saturday March 29, at 8pm, Entry is R50 and on Sunday March 30 there will be a 5-a-side soccer tournament in Ottery and the entry fee per team is R100.”

If you want to assist in raising funds or make a donation, contact Ms Wallace at 79 246 4705 and Mr Barends at 081 020 5413. To support Zac visit