A career day was held at Fairmount High School, in Grassy Park, on Friday May 19 to provide pupils in Ward 65 with equal access to study opportunities offered by local colleges, universities and technical institutions.
Over 1 400 pupils from Grassdale and Fairmount high schools attended the event that was spearheaded by ward councillor Donovan Nelson as well as the City of Cape Town’s Social Development Department.
Fairmount High teacher Terrence Klassen said the career day created for pupils, “the opportunity and exposure to a number of tertiary institutions and various learnerships and to clarify in their minds the study directions and places to study to achieve their dreams.”
Various bursary options were available to pupils who performed well in their matric final exams. “It is gratifying to see the councillor not only showing a keen interest in the youth but also being concerned with what happens to them post matric so that they can improve their chances for employment. We are hoping that the careers expo will be an annual event and that it will be expanded to involve more institutions, organisations and businesses,” said Mr Klassen.
Mr Nelson said: “The career day featured informative career advice sessions, practical scientific demonstrations, and engaging presentations by various universities. Notable speakers and organisations from the academic community generously contributed their time and expertise, ensuring that learners had access to comprehensive guidance and insights into diverse fields of study.
Mr Nelson, an alumnus and former head boy of Fairmount High School, was actively involved in the career day.
He shared his personal journey and highlighted the pivotal role that career guidance and university open days played in shaping his own career path. “Being back at Fairmount High School, where my own journey began, fills me with immense pride. Career day offers a golden opportunity for our learners to explore their passions and make informed decisions about their future.”