Certificates were handed over to thank active community organisations in Ward 110 for their hard work and commitment. Pictured are the nominees and ward councillors William Akim, far left and Shanen Rossouw, rar right.
Ward 110 councillor Shanen Rossouw hosted a certificate ceremony for participants who completed various courses, at a supper at Retreat community hall, on Thursday November 24.
The accredited courses run in Ward 110 over the course of the year included emergency first aid responder (EFAR), first aid (level 1), introduction to occupational health and safety; and fire safety.
Ms Rossouw said she handed over certificates to thank all her active community organisations in Ward 110 for their hard work and commitment. “Certificates were also handed out to two very special CLO’s (Community Liaison Officers) one that worked in Lavender Hill and one in Cafda Village on a EPWP (Expanded Public Works Programme) doing the installations of backyarder electricity boxes and water,” said Ms Rossouw.
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