A number of Grade 12 learners have not achieved the results they were hoping to despite doing exceptionally throughout the year.
Image: Kaboompics.com/Pexels
The South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI) has faced criticism following the release of the 2024 matric results, with parents taking to social media to express their frustration over the disappointing marks received by learners.
Speaking to IOL, Priscilla Shanmugam, mother of one of the affected learners, said her daughter, who completed matric through the University of Cape Town's Online High School, had been accepted to study a BCom in Management Sciences in Stellenbosch.
"Her final grades were not consistent with her academic performance throughout the year. This raises serious concerns about the accuracy and fairness of the assessment process," she said.
Shanmugam said her daughter excelled in her subjects throughout the year and given her consistent track record, her failing exams was shocking.
Others have shared their disappointment at their children and loved one's final marks.
In a post on X, Asante Mokhuoa expressed her outrage after her niece received 'appalling' results.
"How does a consistent performer with year averages of 80% in physical science and 86% in maths suddenly drop to 25% and 36% respectively? This is not just an isolated issue—it’s a recurring pattern with SACAI," she said.
Mokhuoa said her niece had already secured a bursary for university that now hangs in the balance because of her results.
She has asked the Minister of Education to intervene.
Another parent, Micalla Lucas, said her daughter, who registered with another institution and worked consistently throughout the year also received disappointing results.
"We were totally shocked and disheartened when we received her results. SACAI needs to sort out this mess," Lucas said.
SACAI is accredited and, according to its website, is a non-profit private assessment body that assesses the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and General Education and Training Certificate: Adult Basic Education and Training (GETC: ABET).
In 2023, IOL reported that SACAI's 2022 matric pass rate which dropped from 76% to 72%, to the increased number of pupils received last year.
However, according to reports, out of 5,789 learners who wrote the 2024 matric exams, 1,846 passed with a Bachelor's pass and 11 of institutions recorded a 100% pass rate.
"There are numerous institutions registered with SACAI that achieved a 100% pass rate. There are also candidates who achieved eight, seven or six distinctions. Some learners performed exceptionally, obtaining 99% or 98% in certain subjects. Said schools and candidates have no qualms with SACAI," said SACAI CEO, Chris Klopper.
"Candidates and parents are now shooting the messenger with the bad tiding. During the marking process, marks may only be awarded based on the correctness and the quality thereof," Klopper said.
He explained that the institution where the learner registered, the quality of teaching and level of preparedness for exams, for which the learner is responsible, are factors that determine the effect on the final exam performance.
"If a learner does not spend at least 45 focused hours per week behind the books or an average of 6.5 hours per subject per week, problems can be expected. It is analogous to not being fit for a soccer or rugby match and then to blame the referee for your unfitness," he said.
Klopper said SACAI can only award marks based on the quality of the answers
He said SACAI had a pass rate of above 90%.
"It is just not possible as many of our candidates are LSEN learners, home schoolers or registered at online or distance education providers.
The reality is, it is much more difficult to perform well as a home schooler or learner at a distance education provider as you must depend on the self-discipline of candidates to spend the minimum hours of around 45 hours p er week behind the books. In a school, there are structured lessons in terms of a structured timetable with physical teachers who keep the learners focused," he said.
According to Klopper, many institutions bring candidates under the wrong impression about their abilities by giving School-based Assessments (SBA) marks that do not reflect their real capabilities.
Speaking to IOL, UCT Online High School confirmed that it is aware of the complaints and is engaging with SACAI around the issues raised.
"We are also conducting our own internal analysis. We are taking every query raised with us with the utmost importance. Each of these queries are being reviewed and where relevant escalated to the Executive Head of School who has then queried directly with SACAI for further feedback. We remain committed to supporting our 2024 matric cohort," said UCT OHS spokesperson, Darryn Lee.
He explained that SACAI is solely responsible for setting, administering and grading their matric papers.
Parents have taken to social media over complaints about their children's Grade 12 marks.
Image: Facebook
"We encourage UCT OHS families to contact SACAI directly, via the established call lines, where they have concerns related to their final results. While we are engaging with SACAI around these issues, as well as conducting our own internal analysis, we are encouraging our learners who did not achieve the results they were hoping for, to contact SACAI as well as apply for a subject remark or rewrite," Lee added.
Lee stated that the UCT OHS follows the National CAPS curriculum, using SACAI-provided support and guidance documents to ensure that the content covered for our learners is what they will be examined on in their final National Senior Certificate exams.
"We gave our 2024 matric class full support throughout their Grade 12 year. Support Coaches were continually available to every learner, and we provided direct support through subject-specific boot camps and other forms of learning to allow each learner to focus on those parts of the curriculum that required their attention. All learners were strongly encouraged to attend Mastery sessions, in which our Subject Matter Experts went through past examination papers, helping them to prepare for their final examinations," he said.
Lee said the UCT OHS had a number of matric learners who excelled in the SACAI Top 3 nationally as well as a learner who received a top Physical Science mark of 99& for the SACAI 2024 national cohort.
"Overall, the matric class of 2024 achieved 566 distinctions as a whole, which is a commendable achievement for such a diverse learner body across the country. In addition, some of our top performing learners achieved an overall mark average of more than 80%," he said.
Klopper said parents and candidates are entitled to request a re-check or re-mark of their questions papers.
Learners or parents can log onto the SACAI website from January 26 or can email questions to exams@sacai.org.za