The ANC Youth League and Veterans' League want Israel to stop the blockade of Gaza. Picture: Mahmud Hams/AFP
The ANC Youth League and Veterans’ League have called for the lifting of blockade on Gaza and urged Israel to engage with Palestinians to resolve the conflict.
The ANCVL said the action of the US and Israel to be involved in the attack on Gaza was against international law.
ANCVL President Snuki Zikalala urged the South African government to play a role in finding a lasting peaceful solution to the conflict.
He said the response of the government of Israel to use force by deploying soldiers was going to fuel the situation.
“The response of the Israeli government and its allies, including the United States, is only going to escalate the situation. For the Israeli government to say that they are releasing their soldiers of all forms of restraint to continue to bomb Gaza civilians and block access to basic services is a violation of international law,” said Zikalala.
He said it was wrong for the US to offer military support to Israel, and the people that would benefit were those in the arms industry.
The ANCVL and ANCYL urged Israel to open the doors of dialogue with Palestinians.
The youth league said Israel has violated UN resolutions with its occupation of territories in Palestine over many years.
It said Tel Aviv has also continued with its campaign to expand settlements.
The league said the solution to the conflict was through negotiations and not the use of violence.
“We firmly believe that a just and lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict can only be achieved through dialogue, negotiation, and respect for international law. We support the call for a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine co-existing side-by-side in peace and security with internationally recognised borders,” said the ANCYL.
It said Israel has not abided by previous UN resolutions on Palestine, and the siege on Gaza was going to seriously affect the people living there.