The education department confirmed on Wednesday that the 2024 matric results will be released on January 13.
Image: Facebook.
The 2024 Matric results will be announced on January 13, marking a key moment for South Africa’s education system.
The department confirmed on Wednesday that the matric results will be released within two weeks.
But this year’s results have been overshadowed by a legal battle between the Department of Basic Education (DBE), the Information Regulator (IR), and AfriForum over the public release of results.
AfriForum is supporting the DBE's decision.
Following an enforcement notice published by the regulator on November 18, 2024, the long-standing practice of publicising matriculation results in newspapers is currently under investigation.
The IR got an order against the DBE not to publish the results citing worries that this may potentially breach the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) of the learners.
The department was slammed with a R5 million fine for failing to comply with the order.
But the DBE said it would go ahead and publish the results.
The department contended that its decision to withhold the first and last names of applicants complied with the POPIA.
The DBE further asserted that the publication of results would not result in any harm to individuals.
Supporting the department, civil rights group AfriForum threatened legal action against the regulator if it proceeded with its urgent application to prevent the publication of results.
In writing to the IR's attorneys, AfriForum has formally asked to be added as a co-respondent if the IR moves forward with its case against the education department on January 7.
AfriForum believes the department is well within its rights to publish the results.
IOL Politics
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