IOL The Advertising Regulatory Board has ruled against a Brutal Fruit advert for promoting illegal alcohol consumption on South African beaches.
Image: Picture: You Tube
The Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) has upheld a complaint by a consumer against a Brutal Fruit advert which they believed condoned and encouraged taking alcohol to the beach which is illegal in South Africa.
In a recent ruling, the Directorate of the ARB asked that The South African Breweries (SAB) withdraw or amend the advert.
In the advert which aired on DSTV Channel 121, the commercial features a bottle of Brutal Fruit on a colourful beach towel.
The rest of the commercial contains a series of scenes of friends enjoying Brutal Fruit.
The consumer in their complaint to the ARB, said that drinking alcohol on the beach is against the law and mentioned that drunken individuals often drown on South African beaches, which advertising should not encourage.
The complainant further went on to add that glass bottles are broken on South African beaches and children could cut their feet on broken glass.
They further added that it is not necessary to drink alcohol to enjoy South African beaches.
In its response, SAB said it was aware of the regulations surrounding the consumption of alcohol in public places and respects the regulations.
The SAB further said that the bottles were closed and at no point did anyone in the commercial drink the alcohol on the beach.
In regards to the drowning aspect the SAB said they promoted responsible drinking.
They concluded that the campaign's core message is about celebrating moments responsibly and in a manner that aligns with the consumer's personal choice.
The SAB reiterated they were dedicated to championing responsible consumption.
The ARB in its ruling said: "There is no doubt in the minds of the Directorate that watched as a whole, the commercial condones and in fact encourages bringing alcohol to the beach and consuming it on the beach. This is illegal."
IOL News
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