New Horizon Neighbourhood Watch has turned an illegal dump into a food garden.
Saadiqah Ganief, the watch’s treasurer, said they had planted a vegetable garden on the corner of Starling and Tinkerbird streets on Saturday because of the dumping there. They wanted to stop the dumping and create a sustainable livelihood for the community, she said, adding that the vegetables could be used in the watch’s soup kitchens.
During the clean-up, watch members had found old couches, decomposed animals and rubble.
“We are taking a stand against this dumping because after it is cleaned up our very own community comes to dump again,” she said.
Residents, including children, helped the watch members clean up the site.
“It was great to see the positive reaction in building the garden,” Ms Ganief said. “We thank our community residents who came to bring fertiliser and to assist in making this project a success. Let’s create a safer place and positive imagery and infrastructure in our community.”