Faiqah Semaar, founder and director, of Timeless Care for Seniors, Retreat
Timeless Care For Seniors, with the assistance of the organisation's senior club members, will be embarking on a chemotherapy care-pack campaign whereby we would love to bless 50 senior women and 50 senior men who are currently undergoing chemotherapy.
The items needed for the bag include lip balm, mouth rinse, a tea wallet with teabags, a water bottle, travel-size unscented lotion, warm fuzzy socks, pocket tissues, a head wrap or beanie, coloured pencils and colouring-in pages with inspirational quotes, etc.
You may even choose one or two items to collect per organisation, or even a monetary donation would be much appreciated. Distribution can be done in October and November. For more information, or for drop-off information contact me on 072 896 8430.