
Crowning of Miss Gay

Letter to the Editor|Published
Contestant Tina Turner, pageant stage director Clive Jacobs, Victoria Versace, Maghie Easton, Jennifer Hudson and Cindy Lauper.

Clive Jacobs, gay activist/ former Miss Gay Retreat

It’s almost here, our very own crowning of Miss Gay Lavender Hill on Saturday November 13.

The event was established in 2011 by the late Luke Kiel, better known as Mrs Gita Hendricks.

With a committee hard at work the show will be a stopper come what may with 25 beauties from all over the Cape flats. People will be flocking to get a glimpse of their favourite contestants.

Home grown talent is on the line-up with the most popular diva around, BB Velour aka Brandon Samuels, on the programme and many artists in the open air show, which starts at 2pm for 3pm.

I will be the host for the day and a panel of VIPs on the judging panel. Miss South Africa organisers can come and scout. The competition is still open for entries and any company that would like to donate flowers, trophies, hampers are more than welcome.

For more information contact me on 072 153 4894 or email.cjlavenderhill@gmail.com

Entries must report to 43 Fawley Court on Saturday November 13, at 1pm for the latest.

Crowning of Miss Gay