Lionel Slinger, the deputy principal of Hillwood Primary School, has died.
Gavin Alkana, Hillwood Primary School principal, Lavender Hill
It is with a heavy heart that the Hillwood community and the broader teaching fraternity say farewell to Lionel Slinger.
We salute this great teacher and family man .
We were indeed shocked at the news of his unexpected death on Tuesday May 7. We, however, understand that his work on Earth is done.
Mr Slinger started his teaching career in 1988 at Prince George Intermediate School, in Lavender Hill.
Soon after his appointment at Prince George, he acted in various senior positions.
He was later appointed departmental head at Prince George.
In 2012, he was appointed as the deputy principal at Hillwood Primary School. During his tenure at Hillwood, he also acted as principal.
As a business, life orientation, maths and history teacher, he was an influential and passionate teacher.
He loved sports. During our athletic training, he would cheer the crowds with songs like Wie Ry die Motorbike?.
The pupils adored him, the teachers respected him, the community loved him. Our sincere condolences to his wife and their children, his sister and his extended family. May God comfort them during this difficult time. Farewell but not goodbye
There will be a memorial service at the Wesley Methodist Church, 3rd Avenue Retreat, on Wednesday May 15, at 7pm. The funeral will be at the Trinity Methodist Church, Rochester Road, Heathfield, on Friday May 17. Viewing will be at 8am and the funeral service at 9am.