Mandy Joe, Pelican Park
I’m seeking help for a single mother from the Pelican Park area who had her kids taken away and unfortunately she is finding it hard to meet the requirements to get them back.
We are all someone’s child, mother, father, brother, sister, but most importantly we are humans who have hearts and I’m asking anyone who can donate anything no matter what it might be every little helps it doesn’t have to be money as they need a lot.
List of a few things needed: a double bunk beds, blankets, clothing (for girls aged 3, 5 and 14 and a boy aged 8), shoes (size 4 teen girl, 11 and 12 boys), unwanted toys, food that we won’t make use of, little bits of paint (we all have this), cash (every little bit counts even if it is a R5 ).
It will make a huge difference in not one person’s life but that of an entire family.
Please help this family. They need help desperately and everyone deserves a second chance. Together we can make it possible for them.
You can contact Ms Naidoo on 078 863 8885 or myself on 072 760 9282.