Similar to Nazi propaganda, Karyn Maughan paints Sekunjalo as the villain while letting colossal corporate collusion slip away with a friendly pat on the back.
Image: Independent Newspapers
By James Angler
I have reached my limit with Karyn Maughan’s so-called “reporting”. Her latest scribble attempts to masquerade as journalism when, in truth, it reeks of a Nazi-style propaganda blitz choreographed to prop up the banking sector’s interests. Her boss, Koss Bekker, must be proud.
Just read her recent piece report and see how meticulously she glides over the Competition Commission’s blistering findings of collusion by Nedbank and its cohorts, choosing instead to amplify minor procedural sub-case by Sekunjalo as earth-shattering events.
Maughan was actively cherry-picking facts to carve out a narrative that flatters the powers-that-be, while undermining a black-owned company's real fight for economic participation. Her penchant for hyper-focusing on historical citations that supposedly justify the banks’ actions—while offering merely the faintest nod to the Competition Commission’s damning findings—shows just how little she cares for actual balance or truth.
Nedbank never said that they closed the bank accounts because of Mpati Commission. Propaganda and lies are Nasper's speciality.
Similar to Nazi propaganda, Karyn blew up a minor angle into a headline so loud it drowned out the real story. Paint Sekunjalo as the villain while letting colossal corporate collusion slip away with a friendly pat on the back. The result is a neat little package that props up entrenched power structures. Her conduct is not that of a journalist with integrity but a propagandist serving the white establishment.
I’m calling out Maughan’s racist and mercenary approach to “news”. She has proven, time and time again, that her loyalties lie with those holding the purse strings, not with the truth. If your primary aim is to champion the might of banks and big (white) business while downplaying their abuses, at least have the decency to drop the pretence of fairness.
* The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.
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