Pictured are cyclist from Steenberg, Fairmount and Groenvlei high schools, collectively known as Ari's Angels Development Cycling Team, who will take part in Sunday’s Cape Town Cycle Tour under the banner of Ari's Cancer Foundation. The foundation was established by former Diep River residents Zelda and Alan Jansen, to promote cancer awareness among children and young adults and in memory of their daughter Ariana “Ari” Jansen, who lost her battle with cancer in 2011, at age 24. Email cbbzel@mweb.co.za or call Alan on 071 192 1868, Bruce Anthony on 084 510 1486 or visit ariscancerfoundation.org for more information.
A group of high school cyclists from Steenberg, Parkwood and Lansdowne, collectively known as Ari's Angels Development Cycling Team, will take part in Sunday’s Cape Town Cycle Tour....
Riding under the banner of Ari’s Cancer Foundation, the aim is to promote cancer awareness among children and young adults.
In 2018, a group of riders from Groenvlei High took on the challenge for the first time and the initiative has since grown to include schools in the southern suburbs.