Rasheed Gutta of the Sun party. Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers
Newly registered political organisations, also referred to as small parties, plan to gang up on the ANC and its president, Cyril Ramaphosa.
The new bloc is led by businessman and the leader of the SUN party Rasheed Gutta and plans to use the unity of minority votes to remove the ANC from power.
While polls say that for the first time since 1994 smaller parties will be the kingmaker, many polls have predicted that the ruling party will receive less than 50% of the vote, throwing South Africa into a coalition government.
Gutta is now calling on all newly registered parties and parties with one or two representatives in Parliament to unite against “a painful and inhumane regime by the ANC”.
“The ANC is walking the same route of the National Party government. The NP was clear about separate development and services to only a few. If you travel SA’s townships you see the reality of spatial planning and separate development, only now under the ANC. Those of us who remember the pain of apartheid see reflections of it in our society.
“This campaign revealed to me why the ANC must go. Some citizens have never known clean water since 1994. Some schools still have pit toilets and learners have to cross rivers to get to schools. We all know that drugs like nyaope fill the townships, at every street corner we see young people drugged up and every community knows the drug pushers but the police will not act.
“Any country with a competent security cluster would be able to rid the streets of drugs, but the ANC government simply will not act. It is now time for all of us to unite against the beast that is the ANC. We need a big leap by the small parties,” Gutta said.
Build One South Africa (Bosa) leader Mmusi Maimane has also launched a scathing attack on the ANC, accusing the governing party of perpetuating corruption by fielding tainted individuals for parliamentary seats.
Speaking at the unveiling of the party’s latest election billboard in the Joburg CBD on Tuesday, Maimane underscored the imperative of restoring integrity to South Africa’s highest legislative body: Parliament.
According to Bosa spokesperson Roger Solomons, society should “stop sending criminals to Parliament”.
“Parliament is our country’s highest lawmaking institution. It should be occupied by individuals who embody integrity and espouse ethical leadership. Those who have the honour of holding a seat in Parliament require skills, experience, diversity and passion to serve the people of South Africa.
“The Zondo Commission report on state capture implicated at least 97 ANC members in various wrongdoings against the people of South Africa. Among those identified were individuals such as Gwede Mantashe, Nomvula Mokonyane, Dudu Myeni, Sfiso Buthelezi, Winnie Ngwenya, Cedric Frolick, Malusi Gigaba, Thabang Makwetla, David Mahlobo, Snuki Zikalala, Bejani Chauke, Andries Nel, and Zizi Kodwa,” Solomons said.
Gutta has called on society to support the “gigantic effort of the small party”.
“I’m calling on all parties to join me in the fight. We should not be divided. Politicians, parties and civil organisations can call me on 083 450 9212,” Gutta said.
The Star
Siyabonga Sithole