London - The last thing any air passenger wants is to get stuck next to a screaming baby. But one company has come up with a solution that should keep everyone happy.
Japan Airlines has started showing travellers where young children will be sat when they check in – so they can pick seats as far away as possible if they wish.
A baby-faced icon appears on the seating plan where a passenger with a child under two years old will be sitting.
Frequent flyer Rahat Ahmed said: "I have no issues with babies, but if I can avoid the risk of a parent who lets their child run amok, I’m happy to take advantage. And when you have transoceanic flights, you want greater certainty."
%%%twitter">#JapanAirlines #BabySeating #Map
— Ryan (@RyanJacobs105)
But the tool is not foolproof. If the child’s ticket is booked through another website, or there is a last minute change of aircraft, travellers could still find themselves next to an unhappy tot.
But Twitter users called for more tolerance. One reply read: "They are babies as we all once were."