The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that 6400 people died in Africa in the past week due to Covid-19. Picture: World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed that the Covid-19 virus has claimed 6400 lives in Africa in one week, a new record high.
In it’s weekly briefing the global health body also confirmed that the overall death toll on the continent now stands at 172 000.
New Vaccines Introduction Officer at WHO Regional Office for Africa, Dr Phionah Atuhebwe, said: “After a tough three months, we’re seeing more positive prospects as vaccine shipments to Africa start picking up. The last two weeks of July saw a 12-fold increase in vaccine deliveries compared with the first half of the month.”
But he also admitted that vaccines aren’t reaching African nations fast enough: “Nearly 12 million doses were delivered through COVAX to 24 countries in July—more than the volume received in April, May and June combined, and bringing the total number of doses shipped to Africa so far to 91 million.” She added: “We need to be clear though: in a continent of over 1.3 billion people, this is a tiny drop in a very large ocean, and in the face of a surging third wave and more contagious variants, vaccine shortages leave Africa dangerously exposed.”
There are still vaccination targets in place for the continent and Atuhebwe said: “About 24 million people, just 1.7% of Africa's population, are fully vaccinated. The continent needs up to 183 million more doses to fully vaccinate 10% of its population by the end of September and up to 729 million more doses to meet the end of year goal of fully vaccinating 30% of Africa’s population.”
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